I have recently started drinking protein shakes every morning for breakfast. I use various milks and juices for the base and add fruits, peanut butter, coconut, etc...I came across the new Silk Fruit and Protein (mixed berry). Its delicious on its own but, makes the best fruit smoothie shake. I add frozen mixed berries (strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, blackberries) in with 6 oz silk fruit and protein milk then add 4-6 oz Trop 50 (low calorie/ low sugar orange juic emade by Tropicana) along with my protein powder. YUM!!!
The mini Sweet Peppers are perfect for snacking, packing in lunch, and cooking with. We go through bags of these. They are delicious. You eat them whole. No need to cut and remove seeds. You eat down to near the stem where the seeds are.
The Coconut Mocha Donut Shop K -Cups are AWESOME!!!!! YUMMY!!!!!
Minced garlic (already in container) would make a real chef cringe but, I think its a wonderful idea. We love garlic and use it in many things from scrambled eggs, pasta sauce, to seared steaks and mushrooms.
Today garlic is a widely recognized health enhancing supplement. Garlic promotes the well-being of the heart and immune systems with antioxidant properties and helps maintain healthy blood circulation. One of garlic's most potent health benefits includes the ability to enhance the body's immune cell activity. Organic Raw Honey- its delicious! Perfect on toast, in Greek yogurt, in a cup of tea or in homemade salad dressing. Fresh raw honey simply tastes better and is more potent. Honey is considered one of nature's purest foods. It's a natural antioxidant, contains 22 amino acids, 27 minerals and 5,000 enzymes. Organic honey can help keep you healthy by boosting the immune system, fighting disease and treating a wide range of health problems from coughs and colds to digestion problems and arthritis.There are many other medicinal uses for raw honey including; healing burns and/ or wounds, bad breath, fertility, and asthma.
OMG is what I literally said
when I saw these on the shelf with the other 10+ varieties of OREOs. I love, love, love OREOs and anything made with them. I also am a huge coconut fan. This is the best of both worlds. OMG is an understatement. YUMMY!!!!! A couple cookies and a cup of Coconut Mocha coffee (mentioned above) is heavenly.
I recently came across this wonderful organic salad dressing and marinade at my local Supermarket. Garlic Expressions is the best oil based store- bough dressing I have ever tasted. I love it! It is wonderful tossed on mixed greens or other vinegar based salads. There are whole marinated garlic cloves in the bottle. Made with cider vinegar, garlic, spices. It absolutely delicious.
Ahh...I have been using WEN hair products for nearly a yr. I love the product, hate the price. I just tell myself its worth it. I have recently purchased the Mousse and Medium Round Brush to make my WEN experience complete. Love everything... WEN Cleansing Conditioner is a revolutionary new concept in hair care. A 5-in-1 formula, it takes the place of your shampoo, conditioner, deep conditioner, detangler and leave-in conditioner. It cleanses hair thoroughly but without lathering or harsh chemicals. It's designed to not strip your hair and scalp of natural oils. Your hair is left with sheen, moisture, manageability and better color retention. For more info you can find it here.
Windex Touch Up is awesome! It even works to shine and keep smudging off my new black/ stainless appliances in which I nearly regret purchasing everyday. This is designed to stay out on your counter top. It’s always within reach for you to quickly clean and shine your busiest areas. It even kills 99.9% of bacteria. LOVE that!!!! Works on:
•Countertops like Corian®, sealed granite, marble (real or synthetic), Formica®
•Exterior surfaces of appliances like microwaves, stove tops.
•Kitchen sinks
•Stainless steel
•Glazed ceramic tile
•Finished Wood
•And more
Garnier facial Gel Cleanser and Exfoliator are my new favorites. I use and have used Dove for may years (20 yrs or more) but recently, my complexion has been oily and I have been getting acne for the first time in my life. Although,I still use Dove to bathe with I switched to both these Garnier cleansers and they have helped decrease the oiliness my skin was showing. They make my face feel smooth. The Skin Renew (dark spot remover) and Gel Moisturizer are phenomenal. I have lightened dark spots on my face from less then 1 month of use. Hooray!!!
I have tried everything for moisturizing my heels. I have only had short term results from numerous products until I came across Heel Tastic at Bed Bath and Beyond. It works! Love it! Although the smell is potent you will see results. I put it on every night and wear thick socks to trap in moisture while I sleep.
Ever since we bought white short haired puppies in the fall I have been going nearly nuts trying to keep the pet hair from getting everywhere. The broom just pushed hair around and wasn't working out. I came across the Swiffer Sweeper Vac at my local Supermarket. Have used Swiffer products for years now with success and satisfaction. The price was right and I decided it was worth a try. I LOVE IT!!!!!!!! Swiffer SweeperVac cleans the big & small stuff better than a broom and dustpan, even on textured surfaces. It has a power-packed cordless vacuum sweeper for suctioning up crumbs, pet hair, and cereal, combined with a Swiffer dry sweeping cloth that digs deep into grout lines and crevices to pick up finer particles.