
Day #1 of "Twelve days of Christmas Crafting"- Vintage Bulb Wreath

Wrap a foam wreath form with tinsel garland. Hot glue sporadically as you go. The tinsel does not show through so it doesn't matter what color you use. I had this Martha Stewart Bronze color on hand and so I used this. It takes 1-2 strands to fill wreath. 

Wrap, secure, glue a hanger on back of wreath before you wrap the tinsel garland. 

When placing bulbs, use your design rules- 3, 5, or 7 work best. This rule makes your design more appealing to the eye. The design flows better. This is the same for floral design. 

As you make the wreath, look at it from various angles. I place mine on the floor and look from overhead. I hang it on door to get a good view. I also look at it form the sides on the table top. 

I add vintage "fluff" to more bare spots around the wreath. This one I added vintage plastic holly leaves. 
This is one of the wreaths I made for myself 3-4 yrs ago. I collect felted Santas and decided to add one to my wreath. 
Here are some more wreaths I have been working on this season- 

I have a prelit wreath I hang on my kitchen pantry door every year. Each yr, I change the theme. I decided to keep it very simple this year. I wrapped berry garland and placed a wood and metal hanging sign inside the wreath. Easy! 

I chalked the 2" wide canvas ribbon using my red Chalk Couture paste and a transfer. I then added to a 10" embroidery hoop and added a red decorative simple bow and mistletoe on top. Another simple but different design. 

I made a deco-mesh wreath using various mesh, ribbon, and floral picks. I still haven't decided whom to gift this too. Hmmmmm... 

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